It’s Really Happening (I think)

After being threatened, cajoled, and I possibly bribed, I am finally going to self-publish this book. For real this time. I legitimately don’t know when I started writing this thing (it has to be at least 5 years ago) but I will finally introduce the world to Reese Hawking, a fierce, independent, brilliant woman who will stop at nothing to protect what she loves. Is Reese me? Perhaps. Will you love her as much as I do? That has yet to be seen. All I can say for certain is that before 2023 is over, I will have released Reese and everything she holds dear into the wild. What happens after that, the Lord only knows. Either way, my debut novel is almost ready for the world. Whether or not I’m ready is whole other story.


Tomorrow is Picture Day


Taking a Leap of Faith…or Whatever