Tomorrow is Picture Day

I hate taking pictures. It’s why I have avoided social media sites like Instagram for literal years. I would barely go on the site and even when I did, I would just scroll through everyone else’s posts. My hatred of picture taking is more like a weird deep seeded self-loathing thing I do with myself. I always feel like I look awkward and shiny in pictures and I never know what to do with my hands. And yet, with all of those ridiculous emotions, tomorrow is picture day. A whole photo shoot with wardrobe changes and everything for my website. It’s like I have created my own personal hell. But I gotta do it if I want current, halfway decent pictures that aren’t old as dirt. (My previous Twitter profile pic was taken somewhere around 7 years ago). I think I know what I’m wearing and after being natural for like 6 years, I think I’ve finally figured out my hair so I think I’m ready. It’ll be great. Right???

Who am I kidding? I’m a nervous wreck. The only upside here is that the person who will be behind the camera is one of the best people I know and I know she loves me and I know she won’t let me look like a fool so there’s that. All I wanted to do was release an entire piece of art into the world. Now I gotta do the unthinkable and take pictures too. Oh well. If we’re jumping, we might as well do it in the deep end, right!


Welp…I did it


It’s Really Happening (I think)