Reese Hawking is HERE! I really did it. I published a whole book. Last Thursday I came home from work super late. My husband had carried 3 boxes into my office. I knew what was inside (I had been tracking the packages for DAYS). Before I got out of my work clothes or took a shower, I sat in the middle of the floor and carefully cut the tape off of the first box. And there she was. My first published novel. The words I had written and edited and edited and written 20 times over. I held the book in my hands and cried like a baby. Like real sobbing and tears and snot. The sense of accomplishment mixed with pride and fear and disbelief to create this crazy combination of emotions like nothing I had ever experiences. It was like a dream and a relief all wrapped into one. I jumped off that cliff and put myself out there. I don’t know what will happen next and that’s okay. What matters is that I faced my fear. I presented my work to the world. What y’all do with it from here is up to you. My job is done…or is it just starting??


And now for the hard part


Welp…I did it