And now for the hard part

What’s the best part of being a self-published author? Easy. Creating stories and entire worlds from scratch. What’s the hardest part of being a self-published author? Easier. Having to promote yourSELF. I am terrible at this part. Like super duper really bad. I hate being the center of attention. I hate hearing myself talk. And I hate talking about myself. Which is basically the point. I’ve been watching other self-published authors and taking their advice to get more review. I’ve been posting on social media and just made my first TikTok. And I am exhausted. But, if I want to do anything with my writing, this is just what I’m going to have to do. So I’m committing myself to start small. One thing a week to promote my book. I realize that the goal should be more like one thing per day, but baby steps friends. Baby steps. Thankfully, today’s work is done. Now let me me go find something mindless to watch on television cause my brain hurts. Happy Reading!


Writer’s block is real…
