Writer’s block is real…

The first book I wrote probably took me over a year to finish. Stolen Sunshine may have taken 9 months. The other Reese books took maybe 6 months each. I feel like I’ve been writing book 5 of the Reese Hawking series for somewhere around 2 years. It hasn’t actually been that long but my brain feels every second I’m not finishing that book as if it’s an hour. I don’t know if I would call it writer’s block per se but it’s something. And it’s the most frustrating thing EVER. I know who Reese is. I know who David is. I know Al and every other character I’ve written. I know where I want them all to go. I just can’t make my brain find the path to get them there. It feels like I have too many ideas. Too many cases for Reese to solve. Too many triumphs and too many roadblocks. How do I organize them all to make sense in the universe I created? How do I continue to grow Reese and David into the people I envision them to be? How do I add new characters and evolve the ones on the periphery who I know have bigger stories to tell? And how do I make you all continue to love them all as much as I do? To say the least, I’m feeling the pressure. But I’m also loving the challenge. To find a way to break through the blockage and create. Let’s see if 3 days on the beach can inspire me.


Sneak Peek!!


And now for the hard part